Years, and a husband or two ago, I read the short story
Marching Morons by
C. M. Kornbluth. This title has resonated through my thoughts for the last few days, because by my reckonning mankind is becoming more sheepish and dumbed down on a daily basis. Just like in the story.
Weekly I am receiving emails that target Barak Obama. He’s a radical muslim, this decade’s American version of the antichrist. He was sworn into office on the Quran. His campaign is being funded by Hugo Chavez. He’s been endorsed by the KuKluxKlan.
Oh mi God, and people buy this?
Not only do I receive these emails, but they come with the statement that you can check out the facts on
Snopes and then directs the reader to pass the email on because people need to know “Who could become our next president.” I’m rolling on the floor in hysterics. Does anyone check
Snopes after receiving these emails? Apparently not the people who send them to me, because, duh! They’d have not passed them on had they done so. No, they just believe and pass the ammunition of lies. I wish people would go check out the
Snopes website because then they’d learn more, in fact according to
Snopes there are several more rumors drifting around that I’d not received yet, but it is still months away from November give it time.
First I have to address the idiocy of the KKK comment, come on get real. The only reason they would back Barack would be to put forward McCain.
Secondly if he wanted to be sworn in on the Quran (a holy book) why not? You don’t think Romney would have asked for the Book of Mormons? Or better yet the triple threat? I mean lets cover all bases.
Thirdly, Hugo Chavez? C’mon get real. While Hugo could back most anyone, I don’t think Chavez is that wiley or interested in American politics at this point of the race.
Fourth, and perhaps the most important, Obama is not a muslim, radical or mainstream. And would or should it really make a difference? We’re suppose to be a diverse society of open minds; all for one and one for all – hey, I can dream. But no we label, suck up the miss information, and carry our banners of hate forward.
I read a blog yesterday that accused of all women who vote for Hillary Clinton of doing so just because she has a vagina. Huh? I respect the guy who wrote it, but come on, I have a brain that thinks. Accusing women of voting for Hillary just because she’s female, would be like voting Barack just because he’s half-black, or McCain because he’s a fear promoting warmonger, er I mean Republican.
I would vote for either Obama or Clinton for several reasons, they are quite similar in the positions I’ve already researched. First and foremost, they are not Bush, ergo they are not McCain. Second, they are both green candiates. They are both relatively open minded. But yes, all candidates and their political party affiliation have agendas… people be damned.
Barack Obama is against the war and pro phased pullout, is pro patriot act…errr sort of. Voted against raising the national debt limit, backs SSI. Has been pro choice in the past, is pro stem cell research. Supports the death penalty on a case by case basis, voted for minimum wage increase, supports affordable drug and health care, supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary, and is wilderness conservation minded. Is pro gun protections (meaning he doesn’t support individual gun ownership rights [based on his previous voting.]) And is wilderness conservation minded.
Opposes Gay Marriages, Net Neutrality, and educational vouchers.
Hillary Clinton is anti war, is pro patriot act. Supports a balanced budget, supports Medicare assistance, is pro-choice, pro stem cell research. Believes in the death penalty, voted for minimum wage increases, supports affordable health care, supports Amnesty / permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aliens as guest workers. Supports civil liberties, favors gay marriage, is a free trade advocate (yes we remember Nafta.)
Opposes gun control legislation, Net Neutrality, and educational vouchers.
And just so you don't think these rumors and emails about about Obama only, here's Hillary's
Snopes page, er the one she shares with her hubby -- you know sins of the husband and all that rot.
My mother will blindly vote on fear and the Republican ticket. I am still weighing the pros and cons of the Democratic ticket, although I can’t vote during Oregon’s Democratic Primaries in May (because I’m independent.) But how many marching morons out there will believe and vote based on 1) calculating emails forwarded in bunny fucking fashion? 2) Listen to their specifically slanted network and cable talking heads? 3) or vote their parent’s partly line, just because it’s the way they were raised? My father once bemoaned, “How did I raise so many democratic children?” Those of us there laughed, because we are both Independent. My father would have voted McCain **shivers run through me** at one time I thought he was against the war, silly me. My mother will vote McCain. I haven’t made up my mind yet, and I don’t mean to sway yours beyond getting out there and deciding for YOURSELF. And then get out there and vote, do it early, do it often.
Think for yourself, use your voice, be proactive, not reactive. Now the question is, "Would you buy it for a quarter?"