First, my mother’s Maple tree is turning red. Second, the first back to school sales insert arrived in this morning’s Siuslaw News. My head is spinning. Normally this would harbor no ill thoughts for me, except it’s JULY 12th. My lilies haven’t even bloomed. I’ve not had a chance to spring and now Mother Nature and the advertising calendar are stealing summer from me?
Except for a trip to Portland for our oldest daughter’s wedding, our vacation is going to be a stay-cation. The upside is I will get some projects done; the down side is we save gas and airline dollars. Okay, so there is no down side. But school shopping already? Ouch.
I don’t have a school age kid, so I won’t find myself placing extra neon post-its in the shopping basket for my desk. No, cool gel pens; no glittery, ombre’d, character embellished pencils; no psychedelic book covers – bummer days.
Hours can be spent at the nursery pondering which annuals, bulbs, perennials, and bamboo for my yard. Hours can be spent toting pavers from pallets to pick up bed, truck to back yard. Whereas some women can spend hours drooling over shoes, purses, and lipsticks - I will spend life times dreaming at the nursery and on the post-it note aisle (you have noted that at Staples post-its have their own section, right?)
I will lament having to make a choice,”Hot pink or neon green? (When in truth I want them both,) Ah what the heck, they’re just post-it notes. Hearts (rapid head bobbing) or stars? (heavy hmmms,) Ah, what the heck, they’re just post-it notes.”
And the envelope aisle? Have you seen the plastic envelopes with the stringie tie things? I have been doing more and more sales in the last two years. The plastic sheet size envelopes are perfect for the Oregon weather. Bright blues, kiwis, and the little black envelop that is a must for every smart business woman (pearls are optional – ah what the heck, ditch the pearls, this is Oregon.) My clients must like them too, because I never get them back.
Kewl, I’ll buy more.
Now hearts or stars?
The good, the bad, and the fascists
2 days ago
I hear you on this one! The other day, I saw Halloween stuff out. We just barely had 4th of July and it's already time for Halloween?! WTF?! In some respects, I'm glad I don't have kids. I can't imagine being nagged for four months by a kid who wants to be Spiderman or the Incredible Hulk or Princess Jasmine or whatever.
Congratulations on your daughter's wedding! I'll bet it was lovely.
As for staycations, I think you're not alone in that. Bee and I were going to go to Niagara Falls this past spring and Maine this summer, but we've tabled both of those trips because of the price of gas. Kind of sad, really.
Halloween already? Oh that is far too sad. sad. sad. sad.
It is a shame that you have to put your vacations off, but you know, I totally refuse to line the oilman's pockets anymore than necessary.
Just last night I went to dinner with some friends. The restaurant we went to has a really big and lovely outdoor terrace seating area, but the weather was not cooperating so we sat indoors. The waiter kept telling us how nice the terrace was in summertime and we should try it. And I'm all, DUDE, IT'S JULY 17TH!?! LOLOL. But we've been having cool, grey and rainy, so there it is.
We did go on hols, but didn't drive, took the train. Unlike most years, though, this time we saved ALL the money for the trip and expenses BEFORE we went and didn't use a credit card for any of it. That is our nod to uncertain times. I did enjoy paying the ghastly hotel bill with wads o' euros, though, knowing I wouldn't get that huge bill in the post later instead.
The rest of our hols are staycations, cuz I really like those too.
Wry, I am jealous I've never taken a train, even when I lived in Germany. Silly me. We have talked about taking the train to Seattle someday soon.
If you eat outside here you get blown away, unless it's breakfast, or maybe lunch, but dinner? Well they best be prepared with some plexiglass wind breaks.
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