100 Things About Me… 2016 – With Pictures
It’s been a few years since I last celebrated the
anniversary of my birth with 100 random thoughts…so I went back and realized
some things never change….
1) Snakes, it had to be snakes?
2) And while I don’t think I am a reincarnate of Ragnor
Lothbrook, who died after being thrown in to a pit of adders… those English. It
is true Cleopatra died after being bit by an asp. To which Indiana Jones said, “Asp. Very dangerous, you go first.”
3) I went back and read my last 100 things about me, wow
that was five years ago. But

many of those 100
random thoughts still hold true.
4) Some have changed, I have a new favorite vacation spot…
Bisbee, Arizona.
5) Roger and I went there a year and a half ago, stayed at
the awesome Copper Queen.
6) Because who doesn’t want to stay in a haunted hotel?
During Monsoon Season? Oh yeah, my
sister in law.
7) We’re going back this Halloween, Rocky is going with… I
am still working on getting her to stay at the Copper Queen. Cross your fingers.
8) Ducky made me a lemon cake for my birthday… I am eating
it… diet and all.

9) Yes, still dieting, because isn’t that what women were
made for?
10) So far so good, hypnosis was worth every penny
11) I may go back for a booster shot / session.
12) I have reconnected with a dear friend, it’s like we’ve
never been apart.
13) Friends like that are the siblings of our hearts.
14) Don is like that.
15) Cathy is like that. Even without the nachos.
16) Hmmm, I’ve been reading a lot. Nothing you’ve probably heard of demons and witches and the
likes. They’re entertaining
17) TV not so much.
18) Although my favorites remain pretty much the same as
they were five years ago. Big Bang
Theory, NCIS, I haven’t watched much Castle in the past two seasons. Eureka has
long since been canceled.
19) I do have some new favorites….FACE OFF, I’ve been
addicted since season one
20) Naked and Afraid.
21) Except for the snakes… can’t they do an episode in Ireland?
22) Does Alaska have snakes?
22 – revisited) okay really, it all revolves around
snakes. So what I am saying is, screw
the snakes I love Naked and Afraid... but really, would one season without
snakes hurt?
23) I have changed my thoughts about Lady Gaga.
24) No, I do not own a single one of her albums… But, I still think
the same of Justin Bieber.. what a
waste of space
25) Crosby, Stills, Nash and sometimes Young will forever
remain my eternal favorite group… forever eternal, I just wanted to drive that
26) Meghan Trainor’s Title was my Christmas CD from
Ducky, very good
27) Yesterday, out of boredom I took an IQ test.
28) The toilet over flowed in the middle of it
29) I got a 119
30) So I found another one online and got at 132
31) I felt much better. But Mensa will not be knocking on my door anytime soon
32) Last autumn I bought over 100 tulips, at
least 90 made it into the ground
33) For two years in a row not all of the tulips, iris, and
lilies got planted in time
34) And with that in mind, more and more I am looking forward to retirement
35) That and the days when I won’t be wasting bulbs and good
36) I already gave my boss my six year’s notice

37) Okay it was really seven when I told him
38) For years I have forgone joining committees
39) Last year I joined Dancing With Sea Lions
40) While it’s been enjoyable, it has reminded me of why I
don’t join committees
41) I did gain a new friend out of the process, Jennifer
42) We go out to dinner about once a month
43) On Wednesday night’s Leigh (still my best friend next to
Ducky) and I go out for dinner
44) Mom and I do every other Monday night… tonight’s dinner
is at Chen’s
45) Double Mushroom Chicken here I come
46) Roger is stuck in the Valley (ha ha he left me with the cake)
47) The thought that Donald Trump is a serious contender for
the Republican nomination scares the SHIT out of me.
48) I wish everyone (including my Mom and Donald Trump)
would read the Constitution, and let me be clear in what I mean, “The
Constitution of the United States of America”
49) Hey didn’t Lady Gaga rock the Star Spangle Banner at the
50) Note: I didn’t call it the National Anthem because we all
know that our National Anthem should really be, America The Beautiful!
50) I bet Gaga has read the Constitution of the United
51) My Christmas tree, sans ornaments, is still up…
52) It’s not important… but I didn’t put hearts on it for
Valentine’s Day
53) Ducky got me three bags of Valentine Cherry Tootsie Roll
Pops and a bouquet of Pepperoni Sticks
54) God I finally married a keeper - that man rocks my
heart… and other sensitive places
55) Dudes, my taste buds, what gutter minds.. but yeah he
rocks that too!
56) My favorite song is still 100 Years by Five For
57) Something new for me, I now have two live airshifts a
58) With Harley Youngblood from 7 to 10am on KCFM 104.1am
59) And still mid days from 10am to 2pm on KCST 106.9fm
60) Nope, never tired of playing music
61) Dr Seuss is my favorite quote, one by which I try live,
Why try to fit in when you were made to stand out.
62) Dude, words to live and die by
63) I miss my father everyday, and talk with him often
64) When every I find a penny I think of my Grandfather
65) When I find a dime I think of Ducky
66) He has a hole in the right hand front pocket of his
“weekend warriors” (a pair of 501 Levi’s that should have been retired two
years ago).

67) Books I’ve read in the past year,
Beautiful Creatures
(the whole series, plus),
The Iron Druid Series,
The Wing Slayer
Series (oh she’s wicked), The Girl In The Box and Out of the Box Series
68) Movies I’ve seen… Mad Max which left me wondering
how a man riding at the front of a warship across the expanse of the great
Simpson Desert not get dirty? Just
69) Spy with Melissa McCarthy totally funny
69) The Intern, gotta love Robert DeNiro
70) and the Revenant, it changed my mind about
Leonardo DiCaprio
71) Hmmm, I know there were more, but just four alone is an
improvement for us
72) We go out to breakfast every other Sunday morning,.
73) I won a bet…
well okay I picked the most winners in the family college football bowl pool
74) two years in a row
75) I lost this year, by three games, but I still get
breakfast out
76) That includes two slices of extra crispy bacon
77) Since we last went over the 100
random I have put in a new bathroom floor
78) added tile to the new vanity surround
79) refused to tile the new kitchen, because once was
enough… but now I know about
Schluter (I may not be able to spell it, but it gives you nice edges)
80) So I may finish my shower surround… two years later..make that three
81) I am a work-a-holic.
82) I don’t like being one, it’s just a fact of my existence
83) It started when I was 13 and began volunteering at an
area nursing home
84) It’s not stopped, but it tears me apart
85) I resent people who have that “I’m Adequate” disposition, especially when they’re not.
86) Who aspires to be adequate? I aspire to be the best I
can be
87) To give all that I can
88) Fun Fact: I try
to do at least one good deed a day.. especially on weekends
89) It freaks people out at first, I’m not trying to freak them out
90) I guess that’s a side benefit, but the side benefit I
want is for them to pay it forward
91) I want people to be better than they are
92) Which reminds me of want in one hand
93) Yes, I believe in homey adages
94) My matra is, Everyday in Every way my life is getting
better and better. I should write that in a flowery inspirational font... maybe....
Everyday in Every way my life is getting better and better
(It would have been better but Blogger doesn't offer inspirational fonts.)
95) Well that’s just
part of it, the rest is about losing 2 to 3 pounds a week.
96) Which I’m not, but I am happy with the pounds I am
98) And I love that they called Donald Trump the King of Whoppers (personally I thought he should have been called the "Liar King")

99) It took me all day to write this, usually it’s taken
just a few minutes.
100) I’m not sure what that means.
101) But I will throw in an extra… Here’s to a great 60th
year, I think it's going to be awesome, and that is to what I am aspiring in 2016. Thank you for joining me.