Joss, Joss, Joss you are so inspiring. So if you're not the ever pretty Joss, check out Faster Than Kudzu and be inspired to blog on. 7 x 7 is a list of seven with seven even though with Joss it's often 5 things. I will try to limit myself to seven
Seven Things To Do Before I Die -
1) Repay my parents for the wonderful things they have done for me, for all they have taught me, for the morals they instilled in me. (This had been number five)
2) Get to PA to meet my bestest, because I've never met my very best friend. My daughter introduced us wow almost seven years ago. So that is, well, kind of an omen. Now I'm scared.
3) Travel the world, because, well why stop at just a few places.
4) Become more tolerant of stupid people.
5) Get my Christmas cards and packages out before the appropriate Christmas - no not New Years - Christmas. But the Kahlua is all made.
6) Figure out a plot for my story, or gather enough good poetry to publish a tome.
7) Create world peace
Seven Things I Can Not Do:
1) Like snakes, it just will never happen. No way in heck. They slither in my nightmares, they keep me from applying for Survivor (well that an my zip code size butt.)
2) Lie without it driving my conscience crazy.
3) Purposely be mean to people.
4) I can not fix the FM transmitter
5) I don't want to fix the AM transmitter
6) I can't get past chapter 7 of my story
7) I can't think of an ending
Seven Things That Attracted Me To My Husband
1) His wonderful smile
2) His kindness (he hides this behind a wall of stubborness, because he doesn't want people to think he is nice, but he is wonderfully kind and generous.)
3) He thinks I'm fluffy.
4) He calls me Fritz.
5) He lets me fix Rotortiller, roof the house, lay flagstone (did you know cement eats your skin? not pretty,) built a brick wall, and put in the insulation, but wouldn't let me wire the new room.
6) He charms babies, my mother, and my daughter.
7) He has a fabulous sense of humor.
8) Man can he kiss (ooh I'm hottttt)
Seven Things I Say Most Often
1) Thank you
2) I appreciate you
3) Would you pick up another can of Mocha Roca?
4) No my Christmas cards aren't done.
5) Hit control, alt, delete (maybe this should be number 1)
6) You're listening to KCST, FM 106.9 (no this really should be number 3)
7) My name does not mean come here right this minute.
Seven Books I Love
1) Lord Of The Rings
2) Sense and Sensibility
3) Pride and Prejudice
4) The Stand
5) Wives and Sisters
6) gods of Alabama
7) The Wolf and the Dove
Seven Movies I Would (and do) Watch Over and Over
1) Sense and Sensibility
2) The Mirror Has Two Faces
3) A Christmas Carol
4) Lord of the Rings
5) Any thing Sandra Bulloch (well almost except forces of nature and hangman, oh shivers)
6) Pride and Prejudice
7) Sliding Doors
Seven People I Want To Join In
1) anyone
The good, the bad, and the fascists
2 days ago